Dutiful and ruthless camp commandant Fahrenberg nicely played by George Zucco vows to crucify each captured escapee on crosses erected for that purpose in the camp courtyard. The others are quickly captured but Tracy relying on the ...
Dutiful and ruthless camp commandant Fahrenberg nicely played by George Zucco vows to crucify each captured escapee on crosses erected for that purpose in the camp courtyard. The others are quickly captured but Tracy relying on the ...
Welt im Spiegel 1964?1969 = Faksimile-Reprint der ersten fünf Jahre von WimS (mit Lützel Jeman = Robert Gernhardt und F. K. Waechter), Frankfurt 1969 - W. P. Fahrenberg in Zusammenarbeit mit Armin Klein (Hrsgg.), Die Neue Frankfurter ...